Every media outlet has its own personality, I hope you agree with that observation and Trimm Photo is no different. There is a lot of local media around the Southeast Nebraska area and I bet you wonder why we added ourselves to the mix. It’s a long story but Keith Trimm had planned to work in the media since high school way back in the stone age and went to UNK to pursue that dream but quickly realized that paying bills with that occupation may be a problem so instead went back to school to get a career in the medical profession and decided to do the media thing to scratch that itch on the side.
Back to the topic. I recently read a post on our site from a longtime fan that Trimm Photo doesn’t dwell on the negative and does a great job of promoting our youth. That was nice to read and yes we’re not interested in the negativity. That wasn’t anything we planned (we being Cheryl and myself) but over the last 3 years that’s seems to be one of the things we’re known for.
Like I said there is a lot of local media from the Fairbury Journal News, to NCN/KUTT, to the Daily Sun to 1011 news and we are all different. We may cover the same events, and I do see a lot of local media everywhere I go to cover events but I think the end result is often a bit different.
Maybe it’s because we are not tied to a printing press, or the Nebraska Press association and we allow ourselves more freedom but I think Trimm Photo is different than the other local media. We can probably get away with a lot more than anyone else because we are our own editors, reporters, videographers, photographers and what not.
The final decision is usually handed down at supper time, (or sooner) depending on what my wife and I decide to publish. We know a lot of teachers, coaches and students because our sons are in school and Cheryl used to be the President of the Fairbury Booster club. We have also done a gazillion button pictures and Cheryl works very hard to shoot, design and make the buttons herself. She deserves a lot of credit for that.
So what I think is very cool is that the teachers and coaches treat us like they would any other media outlet. For the 1st and 2nd years Trimm Photo has been around we didn’t have an NSAA media pass and relied on the schools to let us on the field or on the sidelines to cover their games and events. Now that we have the credentials we feel like we made it, although I think we actually made it a long time ago.
I spent the last few weeks running around to different high schools taking pictures, shooting video and getting interviews and all the coaches are awesome. They look at my hat (which says Trimm Photo) on it and they know who I am and treat me like I was from ESPN or something.
We plan to keep covering the local scene, not only sports but any school related events and love the interaction we get with the fans of our page. I was just telling Cheryl the other day that I prefer to post messages on the page for everyone to read instead of making personal contacts because I want Trimm Photo to be interactive. We speak on the page and you respond and that is awesome.
We also realize who our audience is and as long as moms keep liking the page we will grow grow grow. Now I’m not coming down on dads but according to Facebook analytics moms make up the majority of our followers by about 80%. I think is says our top fans are women 35-44 from Beatrice.
So, keep checking out our page and look for your kids, we plan to keep doing what we’re doing and maybe add some new things along the way. With modern technology we can always up the game. Maybe we’ll get a drone someday so we can shoot games from the sky. Wouldn’t that be cool?