Weve been to a lot of high school football games over the last seven years, and a lot of volleyball and softball etc. and the one thing we have noticed is that the price of a bottle of water
is not the same at the concession stands of most high schools. And that goes for the price of candy as well. I know for a fact that we have paid $1, $2 and $2.50 depending on where we are. Now why would a bottle of water cost a different price at different schools?
Maybe it’s to pay for the new LED lights on the field
or the gym, we love the new lights and noticed that Geneva had some great
lights on the football field, reminded us of Aurora where they can change color
and blink. It will be great when all the high schools get new LED lights in
their gyms as well. They are much brighter and the color balance is better for
So what is this post really about? It’s about going to
a lot of different schools and seeing a lot of different ways of doing things.
Now some schools have the introductions where the players come out of a tunnel
of other players and some schools skip that part altogether. I noticed that I think
it was Beatrice where I noticed the players ran out onto the field but they didn’t
run out individually as they called their names. Fairbury does that, and other
schools do as well.
Beatrice is the only school I recall that has a half time marching band although Schuyler had a dance performance at half time. Didn’t the Black Diamond Dancers used to do a dance at half time? I don’t recall that this year. A lot of schools keep their bands in the stands and some have flag corps. I do want to make note that Beatrice marching band uniforms look very sharp. Good job guys.
To wrap this up we’d like to see the price of water be
a bit more consistant, I think more than $2 is a bit much and $1.25 for a
Snickers just makes me have change in my pocket that I don’t want to keep track
of. And I want to finish with the cheeseburgers at the Fillmore Central
football game, my only regret was not getting a second. Very nice.