Saturday, September 30, 2017

The most important shots

The best shots are off the field, at least I think so. A good action shot is like winning the lottery. You have a 10% chance of getting it and if you do it gets the "Wow" factor. But to me, it's the looks on the players faces that tell a story. The look of concern, the look of excitement, and the happy or sad faces of winning or defeat. 

I spend quite a bit of time on the sidelines looking for those pictures that tell a story and those are the ones that probably end up being downloaded, printed and put in scrap books. I'm sure a good tackle or a dive into the endzone make it there too, but not as often. 

I know I'm not the only one who got this shot, but I'm glad I did. It was a good set up that happened by accident. I love the player in the back with his arm raised as to say, "We won!" And they did.

I chose to shoot this shot because of the sky in the background. I have an art background and when the sun is just going down and the field lights are on it can make for some dramatic shots.

I could go into depth of field, F-stops and all sorts of other topics, but I don't think most people care about that stuff. Most great shots are by accident with a lot of pre-planning in hopes something cool happens.

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