Behind every 4-H’er
A mom
4-H has always been in my families blood. My grandpa and grandma on both sides were in 4-H. My father and mother were in 4-H and my siblings and I were in 4-H at a young age. Unfortunately one year I decided to take on a different summer activity which meant I wouldn’t be able to make it to the fair any more.
So at the end of that week, we packed up all of the ropes, the shovels, hoses, buckets, and brushes. We went home unloaded everything into the barn and walked away. Well the years passed and the dust on my show box got thicker and thicker until I had forgot about all of the stuff that was behind the main Show barn at the Gage County Fair.
Now as an adult I go to the fair and I walk threw the livestock barns and for some reason I don’t remember all the long hot days of doing chores and washing cows but I remember the year I feel asleep on one of the biggest cows in our club while doing barn duty, the fun we had playing with the other kids in the club down at the campers, and the famous water fight on the last day when we were cleaning up!
This year will be my sons 2nd year in 4-H. He is the Vice President of the Blue River 4-H club and watching him take care of his animals and the love he has for them fills my heart with joy. Its not all fun and games, it’s hard work, dirty work, you sweat a lot and there are many late nights. Sometimes tempers get short (his and mine) Which now I know why it was so easy for my parents to say “it’s ok to be done” because now as a parent I see how much work it is to be a 4-H’ers parent. But that is why it is all worth it.
It’s not always about the ribbon that he takes home but one day I hope he is able to look back and see what a impact all his hard work has taught him. Threw his club he is learning life skills that will stick with him for a life time. In his short 2 years I have seen his leadership skills grow, his love for others and wanting to help others, and with time and practice he will learn the ins and outs of livestock and agriculture and with the knowledge..........O the places he will go.