I remember seeing stacks of his photos and many of them were from the Miss Fairbury contest which must have been a big thing back in the day. On the back of all his photograph proofs was stamped, "Don Trimm Photo." I don't know if because of the size of the stamp they couldn't fit "Photograpy" but that stuck with me for years. I started photography back before high school and had a working dark room as well, (way before digital) where I processed negatives and made proofs.
Currently we have been working with the Miss Jefferson County contest which just goes to show that some things never change. 50 years later we are carrying on my fathers legacy. I wish I had some of those proofs but they were destroyed years ago. He was fond of black and white portraits with dramatic lighting.
When we decided to start Trimm Photo I wanted to honor my father by using "Photo" instead of "Photography" and also decided to make it a media site instead of a photography studio because I had planned to be a journalist back in college. I am a Registered Nurse by profession and me and my wife Cheryl run Trimm Photo as a hobby on steroids.
As a media site we do not sell prints. Some do, we chose not to and ask for sponsorship instead. That has worked well for us as we'd prefer to give our work away instead of trying to sell it. You can download prints and print at home or take them to Wal Mart in Fairbury or Beatrice to print. We have permission slips at both.
We also produce a lot of video content and were the first in Fairbury to do so. We provided video for the Fairbury Journal News website before they created their version and have over 800 local content videos on our YouTube channel.
We seem to have found our niche and have created a good following, heading towards 3000 as of the writing of this article. We hope to gain many more as we have at least 4 more years to do this before our son graduates. I don't want to give away all our secrets but the motto I often use is that everyone has a mom and that Trimm Photo was built on the support of mothers.
Thanks moms for making us what we are.
Keith and Cheryl Trimm.
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