Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Don't give up

I don't have a sport that I follow, I don't know what channel ESPN is on, never been to a Nebraska football game and barley know the rules to most of the sports I cover but somehow run a reasonably successful local sports page. The last sport I went out for in school was 5th grade football where I played guard and although I'm 6'4" never played basketball.

Even I find this odd.

But I have learned a lot over the last 3 years and I know a lot more than I used to about the games, matches and tournaments I cover. Over the last 3 years I basically posted photos and let the world tag whoever and that seemed to work out pretty good. At the beginning I only covered Fairbury and didn't shoot photos of the opposing team unless they happened to get in the shot by accident.

Things have changed a lot since the first time I covered Fairbury football 3 years ago and now I do interviews, cover both teams, (now there was a marketing move), and have tried to build Trimm Photo into something that people would take seriously.

My background is in journalism, photography and videography and that is where this all came from. The sports came second and has been a struggle. I remember talking to someone asking about why there is 1 volleyball player who is dressed different that the others. When I was in high school I didn't recall that and learned that volleyball had a few changes since the stone age.

Now that the NSAA is also taking me seriously I feel like I have to step it up another 3 notches so I can maintain the press pass. I know I have a different perspective than the other media sites when it comes to sports coverage because I know nothing about sports reporting. I don't know the lingo, I don't want to know the lingo and have found a way to get around it that I am comfortable with. I think as long as I give the score of the game and a lot of photos for the parents I'm probably doing it right. (and a few interviews along the way.)

So why am I writing this? It's because it's Wednesday and nothing is going on. I try to post something new each day and today I got nothing. Well, except for this. Sometimes I think I over do it because I don't have a staff to rely on and want to be taken seriously but all in all I'm having fun.

So encourage your friends and family to follow the page and see what else I come up with in the future and thanks for supporting Trimm Photo.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work! Your photos are amazing. I am, for one of many people, so glad you decided to shoot more than just Fairbury sports. You have a great eye and enjoy looking at your photos! Thanks again!
