Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The importance of being humble

A while back I stopped over to do some pregame coverage of the Lady O volleyball team when I heard head coach Melissa Carper address the team to discuss the importance of being humble. At the time I didn't understand why this was that important to stop practice to talk about the subject but she was adamant that the team act with some dignity and respect and not make fools of themselves acting out.

So why do I bring this up now?

I follow many sports teams on Twitter and have noticed a lack of humility in some if not many of posts of at least one of the teams I cover. I'm not going to name the team and it's not even volleyball but now I understand what Carper was talking about. If you're good at what you do that's great, just don't brag about it online.

I've been guilty of a lack of humility on this page and catch myself and try to tone it down. We've had a few good things on the page that I'm very proud of but bragging and arrogance just looks bad. We need to practice what we preach.

But back to being humble. I think teams need to be aware of what they are posting and how it looks to the public. If you are good at what you do that is awesome, but let people on the outside be the ones that brag on you, don't do it in your pictures, videos and comments. If that's the sort of image you want to portray then fine, it's your team. But I probably won't be back to cover you again.

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